Sunday, December 21, 2008

Getting Over Your Social Anxiety for the Holidays

The holiday season is the time where people set up a lot of parties and events to get together. Fun as it may seem for a lot of people, these kinds of gatherings can be very challenging for people suffering from social anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder can be a very difficult condition to bear with, since feelings of anxiety can be triggered whenever they are in social gatherings. Their irrational fear of being judged and evaluated in such events can be too much that it causes them to withdraw.

Aside from taking anti-anxiety meds and psychotherapy, there are other ways to make managing social anxiety disorder easier, especially when family and social gatherings are afoot. Here are a few tips to help make social anxiety in holiday parties more bearable:

1.Choose the events you go to
You may feel that you're forced to attend holiday gatherings because everybody's going to be there, but you're not. Party organizers may not understand why you're refusing to attend the party, but know that forcing yourself to attend such parties unprepared can only exacerbate the anxiety you'll feel once you get there.
2.Check the attendance list
It may sound weird asking the organizer about the other people who are going to attend the party, but having a brief knowledge of who's coming and what they're interested in can make blending in during the party easier for you.
3.Arrive at the party early
Arriving at a party earlier that most guests saves you the trouble of having to receive a lot of weird stares for coming in late. For anxiety sufferers, receiving such stares can be discomforting to the point of inducing an attack.
4.Do not use alcohol to gain courage
A glass of wine or a sip of spiked eggnog may help you get over party jitters, but drinking too much can have a negative effect on your interacting skills.

The holidays may prove to be the most difficult time of the year for most social anxiety disorder suffers, but with the help of supportive friends and family, along with an effective anxiety coping technique, sufferers need not stay in one corner during parties.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Improving Sleep And Performance of Shift Workers

There are more than 22 million Americans who work at times other than the usual “9 to 5” business hours. They are called shift workers, those who work when most people are in bed, and who attempt to sleep when the rest of the world is starting to get up for work.

Shift workers are usually found in hospitals, on police forces, in the transportation and manufacturing industries. They perform critical functions as emergency personnel who meet the demand of global interaction “round-the-clock.”

Shift workers don't get enough sleep. Night shift workers have to fight against the natural wake-sleep pattern. Since it's difficult for them to stay alert at night, and equally hard to fall asleep and stay asleep during the day, night shift workers get less sleep, and even if they get sleep, it is usually less restful.

More than just a mere “beauty rest”, sleep is essential to the body to help restore and rejuvenate the brain and organ systems for normal function. Lack of sleep may lead to a chronic condition which can be harnful to a person's health, on-the-job safety, task performance, memory, and mood.

In a study at Rush University Medical Center, researchers found that participants who worked a simulated night shift and who were exposed during the wee hours to bright lights for five 15-minute periods became more alert, not immediately but later.

According to one of the researchers, Charmane Eastman, PhD, it wasn't just the lights that helped them. They were also given dark sunglasses to wear on their way home and they went straight to bed at 8:30am.

On the other hand, people in the “control” group who also worked simulated night shifts weren't exposed to bright lights, were given dim but not dark sunglasses, and were allowed unrestricted sleep and all the exposure they wanted to outdoor light.

The study, which involved 24 participants who worked from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. with two days off, was conducted by Eastman and colleague Mark Smith, a postdoctoral fellow, to try to make the participants' body clocks more normal. They discovered that the bright lights, the dark sunglasses, and enforced sleeping times helped the night workers become more alert and feel less abnormal.

Eastman said that the sunglasses cut out a lot of blue light, “that light in the morning is what keeps real shift workers from adjusting. You go outside, that light tells your body clock it's morning. So the real night shift worker never adjusts. We're tricking the body clock to think night is day and day is night.”
The study suggests that light therapy, sunglasses, and strict sleep schedules helped night shift workers create a “compromise circadian phase position,” which may result in increased performance and alertness during their night shift while still allowing adequate nighttime sleep on off days. Those in the study's experimental group had black plastic placed over windows.

One important finding is that night shift workers should wake up late on their off days, but no earlier than noon.

In conclusion, the study suggests that light therapy, sunglasses, and strict sleep schedules helped night shift workers create a “compromise circadian phase position,” which may result in increased performance and alertness during night shifts while still allowing adequate nighttime sleep on off days.

Resource Box : Monch Bravante is a frelance writer and advertising practitioner with special interest in public health issues.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Aggressive Osteoporosis Approach To Curb Hip Fractures

Osteoporosis screening and treatment could cut U.S. hip fractures by 25% or more, according to a new study by researchers who work at Kaiser Southern California, a branch of the Kaiser Permanente health maintenance organization (HMO).

The new study shows that the aggressive three-pronged approach to osteoporosis can go a long way toward preventing hip fractures.

In the first step, bone scans using dual X-ray absorptiometry, which is the gold standard for bone density tests, were given to the following patients:

  • All patients over age 50 with a history of fragility fractures or fractures not due to trauma
  • All women over age 65
  • All men over age 70
  • All patients on high doses of corticosteroids and certain other drugs
The second step focuses on osteoporosis education and treatment. Those with poor bone density or previous fragility fractures were included in the osteoporosis education program. In addition to bone drugs, patients who needed osteoporosis treatment also got home safety checks to help prevent falls.

The third step is a fall-reduction program, including physical therapy, for at-risk patients.

From 2002 to 2006, more than 620,000 patients were included in those programs at 11 Kaiser Southern California centers. Based on statistics, hip fractures dropped by 37% overall, ranging from 23% to nearly 61% across the 11 centers during that time.

According to Kaiser researchers, who included Richard Dell, MD, the difference among the centers may be due to the fact that some centers had a longer history of treating osteoporosis aggressively.

Dell and his colleagues reported that achieving that result didn’t require experimental drugs or a radical change in screening. However, it did require a coordinated, aggressive approach.

In the November edition of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Dell’s team wrote that the first step must be a more active role by orthopedic surgeons in osteoporosis disease management.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lifestyle Changes Add Motivation To Weight Loss Program

It is not unusual to see some people engaging in physical fitness only once in a while. In fact, many Americans don't even exercise at all. However, there are those few who find time to go the gym and sweat it out to their heart's delight.
While it may be easy to start a weight loss regimen, being consistent is another story. There are people who show so much enthusiasm in the beginning, spending money to enroll in gym memberships or buy those weight loss equipments, only to quit as soon as they start. Either they are too busy that they couldn't find time to keep it going or they quickly lose their interest due to lack of motivation.

To keep yourself motivated, set some specific and realistic fitness goals. Write them down on paper to give them more weight than just saying things to yourself. Unrealistic goals will only lead to disappointment and frustration. While exercise can give you a healthier body and add a certain glow, don't expect that it will help you catch a lover or turn you into an overnight celebrity or supermodel.

Set aside a specific regular time for your weight loss program to keep your enthusiasm going. Most people, especially women, don't exercise because they're too busy doing things for other people: their spouse, their kids, their boss. Incorporate your time for exercise into your daily routine like biking to work or taking a walk to do errands. Be sure to follow it and stick to it to make a great deal in adding physical activity to your lifestyle.

Treat exercise as a social event by joining a group or being with a workout buddy. Camaraderie helps in keeping the spirits up. Make family time a lot of fun by playing catch or kick with your kids, or swimming together in a lake or pool.

Continue being faithful to your schedule and goals even if the changes may not be visible at once. While most of these bodily changes are invisible, they are actually happening and are important in laying the groundwork for a strong, healthy physique.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Birth Control Pills and Health Concerns

Back when the first birth control pill was introduced to the public in 1960, it was considered the most amazing medical discovery for women and contraception. Thanks to the invention of the oral contraceptive pill, women of that time had a safer and more convenient way to control their chances of getting pregnant.

Up to this day, the pill, as it is commonly called nowadays, remains one of the most commonly used female birth control products since the first time it was launched for sale. With more or less 100 million American women trusting the pill, more and more women are using it.

But over the years, a lot of health concerns have surfaced regarding oral contraceptives. There are the occasional side effects that a lot of women complain about. Such side effects as weight gain, nausea, headaches, and loss of libido have been reasons for concern. Also, back in the 70s, reported increased risks of blood clot formation and cardiac problems, among other diseases, have alarmed women wanting to use oral contraceptive pills.

Another source for concern is the fact that certain conditions may be aggravated by the use of pills. Women with unexplained vagina bleeding, liver diseases, migraine, and have a history of cardiovascular or blood clotting diseases, or any form of cancer are strongly discouraged to use the pill to avoid health complications.

Since its original launch in the 60s, a lot of brands like Triphasil and Ortho Tri Cyclen have come up to give more freedom to choose which kind they want to take, and from which manufacturer. Also, a great thing about medicines is that they are continuously being improved to further help consumers. Health concerns like blood clot formations and cardiovascular complications have been resolved by making pill variants that contain lower doses.

Of course, there are still some unresolved health concerns to find solutions for, but for the meantime, it's good news for women to know that as time progresses, each concern is being addressed to come up with a better, safer, more effective oral contraceptive pill that will work to the benefit of women taking it.

Do not forget to consult your trusted physician before taking oral contraceptive pills. This is to ensure that you are cleared to use the birth control product. Again, keep in mind that the birth control pill is not for all women.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Carbon Monoxide Facts

It may be said that one of the greatest and most pathetically hilarious ironies of modern living would be the signs warning of the dangers of cigarette smoking printed right on the pack of cigarettes itself. It has become as commonplace as the cigarette's own brand that smokers and non-smokers alike already consider it as one of the trivialities of daily life. Flipping the top part of the pack to get a stick of cigarette, smokers would probably not even give it so much as a glance, let alone heed its warning.

However, current developments in modern scientific research combined with an all-out campaign against smoking has yielded favorable results, leading to an increase in the number of people working hard at kicking this very deadly habit. Said to have more than 4,000 chemical components, 69 of which are carcinogenic, tobacco or cigarettes poses very serious risks to our lives in general. Of the many deadly components found in a single cigarette stick, one of them is carbon monoxide. Primarily intended for producing gas, carbon monoxide is not responsible for the addictive effects. However, it greatly contributes to the dangers of smoking, adding to one of the many reasons why we should put an end to it once and for all.

What is carbon monoxide?

In chemistry, CO stands for carbon monoxide; a kind of gas that has neither smell, taste, nor color. It is made by means of the partial combustion of compounds with carbon components. It is the kind of gas that is more likely to be formed than carbon dioxide if there is less oxygen present during the combustion process. Although it is considered generally toxic, it bears a significant fuel value and is very useful in modern technology.

Along with nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia; carbon monoxide is also contained in cigarette smoke. Usually, we already have some of it in our blood due to our surroundings. However, smoking tobacco or cigarette increases it. The amount varies in accordance to an individual's exposure to it combined with the rate at which he or she smokes per day. For a person who regularly smokes at least a pack daily, his or her CO level would be around 20 parts per million. If he or she smokes more than a pack, it only stands to reason that this figure would go up considerably. However, looking at the bright side, the amount of CO could be decreased, too. Given that the concerned individual would cease smoking for a day or two, his or her CO level would diminish to its normal level.

How does carbon monoxide affect our body?

Carbon monoxide makes its way to our bloodstream when we inhale it through the lungs. Once it mixes with our hemoglobin, it displaces the oxygen therein. Thus, it decreases the normal amount of the latter, which is necessitated by our heart. Being exposed to carbon monoxide could produce the following symptoms: fatigue, headache, discombobulation, nausea, vomiting, and increased heart rate. carbon monoxide is lethal, but it is reliant on the amount we are exposed to. If we have been exposed to low concentrations of it for a long period of time, we are likely to develop heart disease. For pregnant women, it could endanger their unborn fetus.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do's and Don'ts in Handling Schizophrenic Episodes

Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder that causes imbalances in the brain chemicals. These imbalances can lend themselves into excessive paranoia and nonexistent fears which can make it difficult for a patient to determine what is real and not. While it is difficult for the patient to live with the disorder, it is also difficult for his caregivers. His family and friends constantly live with the dread that their loved one will end up dead or hurting another person under the influence of a schizophrenic episode.

If you live with a schizophrenic person or are a family to one, here are some tips on handling schizophrenic episodes that can help you keep your loved one – as well as other persons – safe from harm:


1.Do watch out for signs of an impending episode.

Schizophrenic episodes do not happen instantly. They are usually the culmination of a long-standing, imagined affair or paranoia. Watch out for signs like sleeplessness, ritualistic obsessions, and increased suspiciousness. As much as possible, encourage the patient to take his medicines regularly which you can keep in stock by buying from a discount pharmacy.

2.Do contact the patient's doctor or the nearest hospital.

When under the influence of a full-blown episode, strong doses of medication and sedative are often needed to calm the patient. He may also seem to possess increased strength due to the adrenalin in his or her system that a medical team is necessary to subdue him. When necessary, you can also contact the police but request that they keep guns out of sight since this might provoke your loved one more.

3.Do play along with the hallucination when reasonable.

Understand that the patient is experiencing an altered reality; he may be hearing or seeing things that you couldn't. Stay calm throughout the ordeal and play along with whatever hallucination he is having as long as it is still within your reasonable abilities. If he asks you to climb a chair or desk because “the pipes burst and are flooding the whole house,” do so. It'll help him feel in control of the situation regardless if it is only imagined.


1.Don't scream and panic.

Screaming and panicking will only agitate the patient more and may result in untoward accidents. Try to stay calm and speak in a gentle soothing voice in order to reach into the turmoil inside the person's head. If you are afraid, call someone to stay with you but never let kids into the room.

2.Don't threaten and bait the patient.

Never patronize a schizophrenic person who is having an episode. Avoid threatening the patient as this can result in a renewed fear and assaultive behavior. It is also unwise to bait the patient into doing what he is threatening to do since this may result in irascible behavior on his part and push him into acting out his threat. It is also necessary that you don't appear to be a threat. If the patient is sitting, you should also take a seat as standing may give the impression that there is a power play going on.

3.Don't let the patient out of sight or out of the door.

As tempting as it is to just walk out and leave the patient alone, don't. He is not in control of his behavior which may result in him hurting himself or another person. To the best of your ability, keep the patient away from the door while keeping it open. Closing the door may give the patient the impression that you are locking him in which can result in violent behavior. But if push comes to shove, remember that you are also responsible for your personal safety. Flee and lock the door if you have to until the medical team and the authorities arrived.

Resource Box:
Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical health care and sharing them through her writing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Smoking: A Hard Habit to Break

The rising cost of health care in the United States today have made it difficult for average wage earners to get proper health care at a price that won’t make them go hungry for the next few days. Millions are also joining the ranks of the uninsured since many insurance providers are increasing the cost of their premiums. Smokers are especially at a bad position since they are considered as high-risk individuals. With 440,000 people dying from smoking-related diseases, no one can argue the insurers’ actions.

There is no easy way to quit smoking instantly but if you want to try, a method that helps you quit the habit gradually is more effective. A gradual quitting procedure reduces the severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms that may discourage a smoker from quitting. A gradual method also lessens the chances of a relapse because the smoker's body is given more time to get used to a nicotine-free system. Below is a guide that can help you start to quit smoking now: If you want to save up on medical bills and get more affordable health insurance, here are five steps that can help you quit smoking:

Call or consult your doctor about your plan to quit.

Your doctor has probably given you numerous warnings before about smoking. Give him some joy while in the office by calling him up and informing him of your plan to quit. You can also set up an appointment to discuss possible strategies that you can use to make quitting easier. Ask about smoking cessation programs or a non-nicotine prescription medicine that can help you quit the habit.

Keep a list of reasons you have to quit smoking.

Seeing a reminder of the reasons you have for quitting smoking is a source of motivation and encouragement. This list will also remind you of why you do not need smoking in your life. Reasons can range from bad breath, stained teeth, and bad odor from clothes and hair to more serious health reasons like high blood pressure and lung cancer. Make several copies of this list and post them in areas that you can easily see like the fridge, your dashboard, cabinet, and places where you used to keep your cigarettes.

Decide to quit smoking.

Unless you are really keen and decided on quitting, your chances of success are limited. Make it your choice to quit smoking since doing so eases the process of quitting a long-time habit. Set a time for your quit date and do not put it off. Better yet, you can start the quitting process even before your quit date arrives. Destroy all of your cigarettes by dousing them with water or shredding them to pieces before throwing them in the trash. By doing this, you eliminate any temptation that might make you hesitate to quit. Removing all ash trays, lighters, or anything that reminds you of smoking can help get you on the right track.

Inform your family, friends, doctor, and build a support group.

Quitting smoking is best done when you have allies on your side. Forming a support group with friends and family members can make quitting easier since they can motivate you to continue and distract you when nicotine cravings arise. Your doctor can also tell you what to expect during the withdrawal phase and help you prepare better. You can work with your doctor to develop a comprehensive quitting strategy that is gradual and realistic.

Keyword: quit smoking

Resource Box:
Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Helping Loved Ones with Paranoid Personality Disorder

Living with a loved one who is encumbered with Paranoid Personality Disorder is far from easy. Always suspicious of the actions or intentions of the people surrounding him/her, they see others and the world at large as a threat to themselves. As always, their distrustful nature causes friction in their relationships, hurting those who should have been closest to him/her. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if they are aware of the pain they are causing, for their minds are perpetually focused on themselves. They have a general distrust of other people, and are constantly suspecting that plots are being hatched against them. Due to this unfounded belief, they are always on their guard, acting very defensive, and striking at anyone who they might hurt them emotionally even if he/she had neither done nor intended to do anything to hurt him/her at all.

The highly suspicious nature of people with Paranoid Personality Disorder makes them whiners who are antagonistic and very defensive of themselves. Although they always have a rational and distant front, sufferers manifest an offensive, sarcastic, and tenacious behavior. And even if they can be very thorough in dealing with their work, it would be advisable if they work on their own, isolated from others instead of in a group. The only thing that distinguishes them from those riddled with paranoid schizophrenia and delusional states is that they do not experience delusions.

Although the origin of Paranoid Personality Disorder is unconfirmed, research suggests that it may stem from genetics. Such personality disorders are common among families with a history of delusional disorder and schizophrenia. Signs of this personality disorder often become obvious during childhood and the teenage years. Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder are likely to show the following traits during the aforementioned stages: self-isolation, inability to relate well to peers, inclination to interpret others' behavior, overly sensitive to others, and a strange way of thinking.

To be able to diagnose a patient with Paranoid Personality Disorder, doctors must be able to tell it apart from the symptoms of those who are suffering from substance abuse. A psychological evaluation of the patient would help a doctor arrive at this diagnosis. Among the characteristics that doctors can look out for in their patients are:

  • Belief in an impending catastrophe or disaster
  • Perception that there are enemies throughout the world
  • Belief that he/she is blameless regardless of circumstances
  • Does not believe in accidents, and instead, he/she views others' actions as the cause for misfortune or unlikely events
  • Everything that happens involves him/her in one way or another
  • Belief that he/she has a special way of seeing things and this sets him/her apart from the rest

There are several methods of treatment that could be employed to address the problem of people with Paranoid Personality Disorder:
  • Subjection to psychotherapy
  • Cooperation of family members to help or involvement in self-help groups

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mid-Summer Health Problems: How to Deal

Summer is almost ending – almost being the operative word. With a few weeks left before summer officially ends, some people are getting careless about sun protection and other what-not that can put them at risk of health problems that often occur during the season. Most have been dabbing on sunscreen like there is no tomorrow but more than sunburned and scaly skin, summer health problems can range from the fatal to the trivial. Below are just some of the common health problems people suffer from during the summer:

  • Heat stroke. When your body is unable to cool down on its own, you may suffer from symptoms like a high body temperature (106 F or higher), very hot and dry skin, rapid and strong pulse, delirium. When left unattended, heat stroke can be fatal. Spray your face and body with cold water to help lower the temperature. Putting ice packs under the armpits and the groin can also speed up cooling. Immediate medical attention is needed since the intense body heat can cause damage to the internal organs so contact medical aid as soon as possible.

  • Heat exhaustion. It occurs when your body loses water and salts through perspiration and does not replenish them. Symptoms include pale, clammy skin, fatigue, excessive sweating, and cramping despite normal body temperature. The techniques given for treating heat exhaustion are similar to those that are used for heat stroke. But since heat exhaustion is primarily caused by dehydration, drinking lot of water and electrolyte-loaded drinks like Gatorade can help lessen the seriousness of the condition. Even so, medical attention is still needed.

  • Bug and insect attacks. Insect stings can cause allergic reactions in many people. There are also instances when bugs can fly into a person's ear and cause severe pain. Bug bites such as that of ants and mosquitoes are easily treated tea tree oil. For attacks that leave stingers such as those of bees you can use a tweezer or a credit card to remove the stinger. Wash the affected area with soap and water then apply a calamine lotion. .

  • Animal bites. Domesticated animals like dogs and cats and wild ones like raccoons and squirrels can leave bite marks that wound. They may even be infected with rabies. Wash the wound with soap and water or cleanse it with an antiseptic swab immediately. Dry the wound gently then apply an antibiotic cream to prevent the spread of bacteria and a possible infection. Cover the bite with a clean bandage to avoid infection from insects that might land on it. When done, seek medical attention immediately especially if the wound looks infected and deep.

  • Burns. Whether it caused by fire or overexposure to the sun, burns reveal a delicate layer of skin which is shiny, raw, and red. Burned areas are often painful and sensitive. Without proper treatment permanent scarring might occur. Hold the burned area under cold running water or compress for at least five minutes, or until the pain subsides. However, avoid putting ice directly on the burn as this can cause more damage. Wrap a gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on burned skin to keep air off the burned skin, reduce pain, and protects blistered area. You can take an OTC painkiller to reduce the pain. Wear loose clothing made of breathable materials to let your skin breathe.

  • Fungal infection. The humid temperature and the possibility of excessive sweating during the summer are the perfect conditions required to speed up fungal infections. Athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and nail fungus are some of the most common fungal infections. While these infections look differently, they are mostly itchy and can cause swelling. Unsightly and rough patches in red and discolored patches are often visible. Applying ketoconazole on affected areas can soothe the irritated skin and kill fungi.

While uncomfortable and possibly dangerous, the health problems described above can be easily remedied if you keep your medicine cabinet and first aid kid stocked with basic supplies. You can order medicine online and pick up other supplies from the local drugstore.

Resource Box:
Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Natural Methods to Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of those habits that is difficult to stop once you become addicted to it. Although it does not make sense why people would become addicted to a stick of weed that really tastes and smells like one, we have to respect their personal reasons regardless of what they may be. However, all of us know by now how harmful smoking can be not only to the smoker, but also to the unfortunate people who would happen to inhale the smoke coming from his cigarette or cigar. And since smoke is air borne, we can conclude that smoking endangers everyone whether he/she is a smoker or not.

Regardless of the confirmed facts of the harmfulness of smoking, there are still some people who insist on continuing with this dangerous habit. But then again there are also those individuals who are attempting to make that vital change, which could literally prolong their life and create wonderful changes to their health. But as mentioned previously, trying to quit smoking could be 10 or more times more difficult than learning how to get started with it. Then again, if an individual is really serious, there is no way he/she could ever not succeed. There are a variety of natural methods a person can use in order to help him/her quit smoking. Here are some of them:

Try Using St. John's Wort

Medical and scientific breakthroughs are beginning to see the other wondrous benefits of the herbal supplement St. John's Wort, which is originally used as an anti-depressant. Current studies reveal, that this decreases the cravings of smokers. This is made possible because St. John's Wort raises the level of dopamine in the brain. This, in turn, helps combat the depression that usually accompanies attempts to quit smoking. St. John's wort, which is available in powder or pill form, is one natural way to help people ditch their smoking habit.


Another alternative is hypnotherapy. It is an external means of helping people kick the habit without chemical side effects. The manner in which hypnotherapy addresses the problem of smoking is through targeting the source: the person's cravings. Attacking the problem from the source gives you a better chance of dealing with it.

Just Quit

Some smokers curtailed their smoking habit simply by making the decision to stop and stuck with it. Although this can be very challenging for most, it is not far from achievable. After all, our will plays an integral role in the things that we do. Gathering substantial will power and persistence is what some smokers utilized to aid them in kicking the nasty habit once and for all.

Be a Busy Bee

Sometimes, trying to substitute certain activities to replace smoking can help smokers quit. Keeping the mind preoccupied is one very effective way of diverting one's thoughts from the need to smoke. Try a new hobby or engage in a sports activity. These do not only keep your thoughts away from putting a cigarette in your mouth, but they also benefit your physical and mental well-being.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Treating and Preventing Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged veins that commonly occur in the lower legs. This terms is oftentimes associated to the veins seen on the leg, but varicose veins occur in various parts of the body.

Varicose veins are most of the time painful, most especially when walking or just merely standing. Aside from the fact that varicose vein is considered one of the most unwanted cosmetic problems, this often itch and scratching it can even cause ulcers.

Today, varicose vein is now treatable since serious complications are rare in this kind of condition. Non-surgical and pain relief treatments include elastic stockings, sclerotherapy, exercise, as well as by elevating the legs. The traditional surgical treatment for varicose veins is called the vein stripping, wherein it involves the removal of the affected veins. On the other hand, less invasive and newer treatments like endovenous laser treatment and radiofrequency ablation are now replacing the said traditional treatment for varicose veins.

Moreover, there are a number of factors involved in the development or occurrence of varicose veins. These factors include gender, hereditary, age, as well as pregnancy. Although most people, particularly the women, prefer to have their varicose vein outbreak treated immediately by a specialized doctor, those who cannot afford costly treatments make do of natural and non-costly methods to treat and prevent the said condition.

Below are some of the recommended lifestyle changes that can best prevent and treat varicose veins:

1.Practice having a good posture.

Always standing up straight can lead to a good posture. This can also lessen the pressure on the veins.

2.Maintain a healthy and ideal body weight.

If one is overweight, it causes the circulatory system to function harder, thus, increasing the inside pressure in the leg veins.

3.Exercise regularly.

Simple exercise routines such as cycling, swimming, walking, and jogging are enough to improve the overall circulation of the body without adding pressure to the veins.

4.Avoid standing for a long time.

Standing for a long period of time can lead to the development of varicose veins. Wearing mild compression hose is recommended to women who have jobs that require them to stand for a long period of time. This hose will help blood pump efficiently back to the heart.

5.Choose your clothing well.

Wearing clothes that do not constrict the legs, waist, and groin is a must in preventing varicose veins in the legs.

6.Stretch your legs when sitting for a long time.

To prevent developing varicose veins, stretching the legs is a must if one is to sit for a long period of time.

7.Avoid taking birth control pills containing high estrogen.

As for women who want to prevent varicose veins, most doctors prohibit them to take birth control pills that contain high level of estrogen. High-level estrogen can lessen the valves ability to close.

8.Raise the legs for a couple of minutes when lying down.

When lying down, women should raise their legs a few inches above their heart for a couple of minutes. This way, the blood in the lower legs will flow easily back to the heart and lessen the work of the valves.

Resource Box:

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Five (Radical)Ways to Say Goodbye to Smoking

We know all too well that at one time or another, that familiar hooded man always carrying a long-handled scythe would eventually find his way to our door. However, letting him proceed with his own schedule and willingly inviting him over to dinner are two very different things. If we persist with our smoking habit, we have already given him the invitation. So if we value our life and the people we care so deeply for, then don't you think it's about time we say goodbye and split up with our habit for good? We know it is never easy. A cigarette is a paramour to us. To quit smoking cigarettes would mean losing a valuable piece of ourselves. Nevertheless, it is what needs to be done. It should not be too hard when you think about it, really. Below are a five radical suggestions that might just work.

  • Use the power of imagination. Before we pop that cigarette into our mouth, pause. Then, let us close our eyes and take a deep breath. Once we decide to open our eyes, we would no longer see that all too familiar slim white stick nestled in between our thumb and forefinger(A cigarette, what else?). In its place, what we see is a mottled piece of dried up excrement, filthy and putrid as can be. How would we react?

  • Search the net for a picture of what was once a living smoker's lungs, all blackened and rotten. Produce a print out of the latter as big as we can make it. Now, go to a doctor and ask for an x-ray procedure to be done on our lungs. Get the results and run back home with them. Go to our room and on the wall right at the foot of our bed or on the ceiling right above it, paste the print out alongside the x-ray of our own lungs. This final step is the easiest: upon waking up and before dozing off, look at these for as long as we can without thinking of anything else. The outcome of this would just flow naturally.
  • Record our own voice as we say this:”I would never ever smoke again.” Do this for an hour or so. We could also make another record of the terrible effects and data about smoking. Program our player to play these recordings non-stop as we sleep. Leave the rest to our subconscious mind.

  • Let us go vegetarian. Instead of popping cigarettes into our mouths we can pop carrot or celery sticks instead. This would do us more good than we could possibly imagine. We do not only stave off the bad habit, but we also improve our overall health.

  • Now, this last suggestion is very easy. Before we start smoking, we should mention these two words repeatedly( more than 12 times at least) to ourselves: 'bad breath' and 'cancer'.
These suggestions are humorous takes on the possibilities of putting an end to our deadly smoking habit. As funny, disgusting, or ridiculously ludicrous as they can be; we know that the effects of smoking is never a laughing matter. Just think: precious minutes of our life are at stake with each stick we smoke.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Using Self Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Similar to meditation, hypnosis makes use of the right side of the brain—the part of the brain in charge of introspective awareness, calm perceptions, passiveness, and that floating feeling. Hypnotherapy, therefore, is the practice of using hypnosis as a therapy for alleviating certain conditions through the power of suggestion. If a person were to undergo hypnotherapy by himself/herself, this is referred to as self-hypnosis. Using self-hypnosis to quit smoking is one suggested method that can help an individual forgo the habit of smoking permanently. However, it is important that we keep in mind that we have to willfully allow ourselves to believe that this method could work. As with every other method, doubt could deter our success at any cost.

One effective way of self-hypnosis is using the “swish” technique, which was created in 1985 by Bandler. It utilizes “imagery” in helping an individual fend off the effects of any past. This does so through the process of mixing up messages our subconscious has received about what we really desire for ourselves and the habit we want to cut off. Here are the steps for this method:

1.Relax yourself gradually, closing your eyes as you do so.

2.Picture yourself in a theater as you are seated in front of a gigantic screen. Visualize an image of your worst fear regarding smoking. Focus on the worst effect possible and try to conjure an image of it as vividly as you can. Allow yourself to feel the negative feelings stirred up by this image as you fixate your attention to it.

3.Take away this image, leaving the screen blank. Then, replace it with an image of what you would want to be or what you want to happen to yourself. Make it as positive as you can and just as vivid as you did with the negative image. Again, allow yourself to experience the positive feeling that comes with looking at this specific image. Then remove it, leaving the screen blank again.

4.Replace the negative picture on the screen. Afterwards, put the positive picture on its lower right corner. The superimposition of the small positive image over the big negative image would make the aforementioned look like a stamp.

5.Do these things at the same time: say “swish” and as you do this, visualize the small positive image getting bigger and brighter until it supersedes that of the negative image. The latter eventually diminishes until it is gone from the screen.

6.The second the “swish” has transpired, leave the screen blank, or open your eyes abruptly.

7.Repeat the process for at least five times, ascertaining that each “swish” procedure is quicker than the previous one before it.

8.Prior to finishing this method, visualize one more time the negative image you came up with. If the “swish” procedure has been successful, it should be harder for you to get the same image you have visualized originally(it could either become less accurate or blurry).

9.Visualize the positive image again, and take note of how much easier it is for you to conjure this image more vividly than the negative one. Allow this positive image to prevail in your mind. In the event that you haven't achieved the desired results, repeat and think of ways to make your imagery more effective or exact.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Common Treatments for Mild Sun-Damaged Skin

As children, we embraced the glorious energy and delightful pleasures the rays of the sun had to offer us. Remember those times we used to spend on the beach with our families? We bathed in the salty seawater and frolicked in the sand until our skin turned red and raw from too much sun exposure. Back then, we were way too young to worry about sun damage, and even if we had to suffer from the stinging pain of our sun-burned skin, the thought of the seriousness of the condition did not cross our minds at all. To us, it seemed to a be a minor (and temporarily unsightly) inconvenience.

However, with the extensive studies done by scientists came the realization that prolonged and frequent sun exposure would be detrimental to our skin. None of us thought of the possibility of acquiring skin illnesses like skin cancer, which is caused by sun damage.

Generally, curing sun damage requires a lengthy treatment process. However, it can be reversed totally given that correct treatment is utilized. As always, prevention is far better than any cure. Protection from the sun is still our best bet in staving off skin related conditions borne of the damaging effects of the sun. But if the damage is already present, seeking treatment by consulting a dermatologist is our best option.

Luckily, there are now effective treatments available that could prevent skin conditions due to sun damage from getting worse. In the case of mild sun damage, treatments are already widely available. We could also ask our dermatologist for sun exposed skin care intended for alleviating our condition.
Here are some of the common treatments used for mild sun damage. Let us get to know a little about their properties.

  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha Hydroxy Acids help us shed dead skin cells, which in turn would be replaced by new ones. Shedding off dead skin cells promotes improved moisture levels and a more improved skin tone.

  • Soybeans

Soybeans are proven to be both mild yet effective enough to alleviate or even treat a number of skin conditions. Aside from its soothing properties, these are known to help provide moisture to the skin. Also, it slows down the resurfacing of hair growth.

  • Vitamins C and E

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants. Although they are popular for their ability to ease damage due to the sun, they can only deal with mild cases. However, when they are applied to the skin directly, they are known to help in diminishing skin discoloration as well as the appearance of fine line and wrinkles.

  • Retinol

Capable of promoting and keeping our skin healthy, Retinol is a pure form of Vitamin A. It helps in promoting a more effective production of skin cells and Keratinocytes—cells that combine Keratin, a kind of protein that comprises the skin, hair, and nails. Retinol is also popular in promoting softer skin as well as a marked reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Resource Box
: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Not All Fat is Bad

When people say fat, they usually start thinking of oily, greasy foods. But not all fat is bad for the body. True that it may not be the safest of food choices, but foods rich in unsaturated fat like avocados, olive oil, and nuts have been found to play and important part in sending a vital message to your brain – “you're full, stop eating.”

A recent study suggests that the above-mentioned healthy oils trigger the production chemical compounds in the small intestine that helps curb hunger pang. According to researchers, this new discovery could well point the way towards new approaches in treating obesity as well as other eating disorders.

Daniele Piomelli, chairperson in Neurosciences for Louise Turner Arnold, and his colleagues observed how oleoylethanolamide (OEA) controls hunger and body weight. In the same study, the group found out that an unsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid triggers OEA production that helps decrease appetite.

Oleic acid is converted into OE by cells in the upper portion of the small intestines. OEA then stimulates nerve endings specifically designed to send hunger-curbing messages to the brain. From there, it triggers a brain circuit that creates a feeling of fullness. Aside from these findings, previous studies have also shown that increasing OEA levels can reduce appetite, aid in weight loss, and lower blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.

Piomelli is hopeful that OEA could soon be used in a variety of medications because it will serve as a key to unlocking how the body naturally processes fatty foods and how it regulates eating and body weight.

The study group excitedly explains that OEA activates cell receptors that have already been the subject of a lot of successful drug development. According to Piomelli, this new discovery is enough to spark hope for a new class of anti-obesity medications which will be based on the use of natural substances and mechanisms to control our appetite.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a big chunk of the United States, 30 percent to be more accurate, is obese. And if you look through the steady climb of the country's obesity rate, you'll find that the occurrence of obesity has increased by roughly 60 percent since 1991. It continues to greatly increase the risks of premature deaths, diabetes, heart ailments, stroke, and certain types of cancer. This new information will be quite helpful for obese individuals who wish to turn over a new leaf and start losing weight.

Resource Box : The writer, Abbey Grace Yap, is an active advocate for health consciousness and disease awareness. She possesses a deep passion in discovering new health-related information and sharing it to her readers.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Medical Treatments for Sun-Damaged Skin

We owe so much to modern medical research and advancement. If not for them, many people would have perished from a variety of illnesses, which were once deemed incurable. These days, detection and prevention of even life-threatening ailments are very plausible given that the individual concerned seeks medical help immediately. Among those ailments blessed to have modern cures capable of reversing the damaging or destructive effects is sun damage wrought on our skin.

Current medical practices now involve the use of high-technology skin care equipment and advanced forms of treatments in reversing the signs of sun damage. Included therein are over-the-counter remedies, prescribed medications, and medicinal healing processes.

Below are the varied medical treatments used for treating sun damaged skin:


The latest product used for the reversal of sun damage on the skin is Tazarotene. Formerly used for treating psoriasis, it is a retinoid or Vitamin A derivative. Also used for acne treatment, it has been proven effective in curing photoaging.


Used in the forms of either creams or gels, Tretinoin has been recorded capable of reversing the damaging effects of the sun on our skin. It can smoothen the skin given a certain number of weeks. However, it results to a thickening of both the dermis and the epidermis. It can decrease skin pigmentation by suppressing the melanin content of the epidermis. If continuously used over a long period of time, fine lines and wrinkles are most likely to diminish.

Laser Surgery

For the past decade, laserbrasion has been used and has yielded favorable outcomes. It works by vaporizing very thin layers of the skin. The Erbium laser is more popularly used these days because it yields diminished heat damage to the skin, resulting to more damage to the surface layer and quicker recovery.
The long time allotted for healing serves as the liability of the use of this method. The noticeable redness occurring right after treatment and lasting up to 10 days would require some patients to have a prolonged leave of absence from their work. On the other hand, for some individuals, prolonged redness of the skin leads to its whitening.


The use of botox is especially advisable to people with wrinkled foreheads or glabella. It works through the inactivation of the muscles found beneath the skin, which is responsible for creating wrinkles and lines. However, these wrinkles are not borne of sun damage. Thus, the quality of the sun-damaged skin is neither removed nor alleviated.

Skin Fillers

Using skin fillers is more advisable for people with deep lines and wrinkles. Collagen and hyaluronic acid are used for this method. Although this form of treatment is tolerable, stinging and burning are common complaints. After treatment, the patient is most likely to experience redness and swelling. Nevertheless, prolonged or continuous redness is few and far between. Prior to subjecting the patient to this process, a minute amount is injected into the test area weeks before, to make sure that the former has no allergic reactions to it.

Resource Box:

Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tips on Migraine-Proofing Your Home

Migraine, contrary to popular belief, is not just a severe headache. It is a neurological disease that is debilitating, disabling, and disruptive. Aside from the severely painful headache, migraine attacks are often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and blurred vision. It is bad enough for people who are suffering migraine to try and manage their symptoms in environments for which they have limited control over like their workplace or other public domains. As such, their homes remain to be their number one refuge when migraines attack.

If you suffer from migraine, there are ways that can help you keep your home family-friendly but migraine-proof as well. Live a comfortable and happy family life despite the migraine by following these tips:

1. Identify potential triggers in your home and keep them out.

Some of the most common migraine triggers are in abundance at home like fragrance, noise, stress, bright lights, and particular foods. While these are common triggers, not all are applicable to every migraine sufferer. Some people experience excruciating headaches when they smell strong fragrance while others do not. Other migraine sufferers might react strongly to noise while some may find bright lights more irritating. Identify the things and situations that trigger your migraine by recording attacks in a journal. This will help you spot patterns and keep the triggers out of your home.

2. Set aside a room to serve a migraine refuge.

This can easily be your bedroom or a small corner in a low-traffic area in your house. Put up dark curtains or blinds to keep the room darkened but install a small lamp for subdued lighting. A comfortable bed or chair can serve as a place to rest and lie down during an attack. If you are easily troubled by noise, you can put in a CD player with soft music or a relaxation CD. Put anything else that makes you more comfortable inside the room but remember to avoid clutter as this can cause stress.

3. Keep a private medicine cabinet.

Migraine pain medications are strong and can cause severe side effects on people who do not need them. As such, it is important to keep your migraine drugs out of the way and in a safe place. The drawer in your nightstand is a good storage space especially if you can lock it. Keep your medicine drawer stocked by learning a safe way to purchase from an online pharmacy that can sell you pain medications at affordable prices.

4. Simplify household chores.

There are a lot of household chores and doing them all on the same day will only mean that you have to do some of them again the next day. Simplify matters by making lists of tasks that need to be done on a daily basis and tasks that need to be done on particular days. You can do this on a computer so you can change the tasks accordingly. Instead of shouldering everything, assign tasks to the members of the family and put this list where people can easily see it. This way, your home can still run smoothly and remain friendly to you instead of becoming a cause of stress when you're unable to do or oversee chores due to migraine attacks.

5. Stock up on anti-migraine foods and fluids.

When migraine attacks, you are less likely to have the appetite to eat a full meal, much more prepare something healthy. Stock your kitchen and pantry with small but healthy snacks like fruits and precut vegetable sticks so you can grab one easily for nourishment. If you have difficulty eating during migraine attacks, stock up on natural fruit juices and low sodium and low fat canned soups and stocks so you can still get adequate nourishment. Keep in mind also to drink plenty of water as hydration is necessary to prevent migraines.

Resource Box:

Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Exercise for Less

Exercising in a gym can be a very motivational fitness move for a couple of reasons: First, gym memberships are usually so expensive – that's why you will be making time for it regardless of how busy you are. And second, going to the gym makes the whole exercise for fitness thing seem more real and gives you the feeling that you are actually exercising. However, if the steep gym fees are what's keeping you from exercising, here are some tips that can help you remedy the problem:

1. Be resourceful.

Everyday activities can be a good source of exercising opportunities. While exercise equipment do contribute to the whole fitness experience, they are not necessary. With a little foresight, activities you may take for granted can become part of your exercise routine. Walking to errands, taking the farthest parking space, or climbing the stairs are excellent opportunities to sneak in some exercise in your daily routine. Household chores, especially those the require movement like vacuuming, scrubbing the floors, raking leaves, or shoveling snow, are also great in providing you with chances to exercise. If all else fails, playing and running after your children should do the trick.

2. Invest in your own equipment.

If you are really in the mood for some exercise equipment, you can invest in your own instead of sharing with other sweaty gym members. And more importantly, you do not have to pay huge monthly fees to get to use them. You do not even have to go for those bulky exercise machines since there are inexpensive exercise equipment that can give you the same benefits without breaking the bank. Dumbbells, for one, are small, hand-held weights that you can use to strengthen your upper body. You can also use resistance tubings to build strength in your arms and other muscles. You can even customize each according to your fitness levels. Jump ropes and exercise videos are also good and cheap exercise equipment.

3. Practice smart shopping.

While window shopping can be great exercise, it does not really do much for the fitness department except make your calves look unbelievably solid. If you're interested in a specific exercise class or piece of equipment, shop around. If you live near a high school or college with a fitness center, ask if the facility is available to community members. Some sporting goods stores specialize in used equipment, or you can check out listings for exercise equipment in the local newspaper. Just make sure that the shipping fees are reasonable and will not put you over your budget.

When it comes to fitness and exercising, don't buy herbal supplements or other products that claim fitness benefits overnight or promise to melt away pounds without diet and exercise. Also avoid exercise products that focus on one body part such as abs or thighs. There's no such thing as spot reducing. What will serve you well is stocking up on muscle relaxants since muscles have the tendency to hurt and seize up after exercising.

Resource Box:

Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mitigating Migraine Attacks

A home is supposed to be a haven of comfort, but when migraines attack, it can be hard to imagine why. Make your home into a safe and migraine-free zone by practicing the following tips:

1. Keep potential migraine triggers out of your home.

Some of the most common migraine triggers are in abundance at home like fragrance, noise, stress, bright lights, and particular foods. While these are common triggers, not all are applicable to every migraine sufferer. Some people experience excruciating headaches when they smell strong fragrance while others do not. Other migraine sufferers might react strongly to noise while some may find bright lights more irritating. Identify the things and situations that trigger your migraine by recording attacks in a journal. This will help you spot patterns and keep the triggers out of your home.

2. Indulge in a migraine refuge.

This can easily be your bedroom or a small corner in a low-traffic area in your house. Put up dark curtains or blinds to keep the room darkened, but install a small lamp for subdued lighting. A comfortable bed or chair can serve as a place to rest and lie down during an attack. If you are easily troubled by noise, you can put in a CD player with soft music or relaxation CD. Put anything else that makes you more comfortable inside the room, but remember to avoid clutter as this can cause stress.

3. Keep a private medicine cabinet.

Migraine pain medications are strong and can cause severe side effects on people who do not need them. As such, it is important to keep your migraine drugs out of the way and in a safe place. The drawer in your nightstand is a good storage space especially if you can lock it. Keep your medicine drawer stocked by learning a safe way to purchase from an online pharmacy that can sell you pain medications at affordable prices.

4. Simplify household chores.

There are a lot of household chores and doing them all on the same day will only mean that you have to do some of them again the next day. Simplify matters by making lists of tasks that need to be done on a daily basis and tasks that need to be done on particular days. You can do this on a computer so you can change the tasks accordingly. Instead of shouldering everything, assign tasks to the members of the family and put this list where people can easily see it. This way, your home can still run smoothly and remain friendly to you instead of becoming a cause of stress when you're unable to do or oversee chores due to migraine attacks.

5.Stock up on anti-migraine foods and fluids.

When migraine attacks, you are less likely to have the appetite to eat a full meal, much more prepare something healthy. Stock your kitchen and pantry with small but healthy snacks like fruits and pre-cut vegetable sticks so you can grab one easily for nourishment. If you have difficulty eating during migraine attacks, stock up on natural fruit juices and low sodium and low fat canned soups and stocks so you can still get adequate nourishment. Keep in mind also to drink plenty of water as hydration is necessary to prevent migraines.

Resource Box:

Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to Go to Sleep Without the Aid of Sleeping Drugs

Millions of people find it hard to go to sleep every night. This condition is often diagnosed as insomnia, wherein it takes a lot of effort for a person to fall asleep.

Generally, doctors prescribe sleeping aid medications to patients who experience difficulty in sleeping. Although sleeping aid drugs can be quite effective in helping one have a good night sleep, these drugs can become addictive.

To avoid becoming dependent on prescription sleeping aids, people who find it difficult to go to sleep at night are advised to opt for alternative and non-drug sleeping aid methods and practices. Below are some of the most commonly recommended ways on treating insomnia:

1. Try to do simple chores or other tasks that can keep your mind and body busy.

If you can't go to sleep, try to perform simple or light chores or activities until you feel sleepy. Once you feel tired and sleepy, that is the best time then to go back to bed and sleep.

2. Try to listen to soft music or melody while lying on the bed.

Most people find soft music very relaxing, especially during the time you are about to hit the sheets. Hence, ready your favorite soft tunes before you go to bed, as this can help you find sleep easily.

3. Try to do relaxation techniques.

If you feel agitated or stressed, better practice some relaxation techniques such as gentle stretching and yoga.

4. Try to take a hot bath before going to bed.

Sometimes, difficulty in sleeping only takes having a hot and relaxing bath before hitting the sheets. Put some aromatherapy bubble bath liquid in the hot water, dive in, and enjoy!

5. Try to keep your room lights dim as you sleep.

Some people claim that it is hard to fall asleep in a well-lighted room or place. That is why it is best to keep your room lights dim, for bright lights can make you less sleepy and alert.

6. Try a herbal sleeping aid instead of prescription medications.

Instead of taking prescription drugs as sleeping aids, better take herbal alternatives instead. Some herbal sleeping remedies are proven to induce relaxation and sleep. These herbal sleeping remedies include chamomile, lavender, lime flower, catnip, as well as valerian.

7. Try to take in light snacks if you find it hard to sleep.

If sleep won't come, chow on foods that are high in trytophan amino acid, a perfect sleep inducer. These foods are tuna, turkey, bananas, and figs.

8. Try to make use of essential oils.

To help you relax, essential oils can definitely do the trick. Put them on your hot bath or slather them on your pillows and bed.

9. Try to drink milk before going to sleep.

For a faster trip to dreamland, try to drink one glass of milk before you go to bed. This is not just a healthy daily ritual to practice, but this also helps you sleep faster.

10. Try to establish a regular sleeping routine.

To effectively manage your sleeping problem, try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time everyday. A regular sleeping routine can surely help you not to experience difficulties in sleeping.

Resource Box:

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

How to Go to Sleep Without the Aid of Sleeping Drugs

Millions of people find it hard to go to sleep every night. This condition is often diagnosed as insomnia, wherein it takes a lot of effort for a person to fall asleep.

Generally, doctors prescribe sleeping aid medications to patients who experience difficulty in sleeping. Although sleeping aid drugs can be quite effective in helping one have a good night sleep, these drugs can become addictive.

To avoid becoming dependent on prescription sleeping aids, people who find it difficult to go to sleep at night are advised to opt for alternative and non-drug sleeping aid methods and practices. Below are some of the most commonly recommended ways on treating insomnia:

1. Try to do simple chores or other tasks that can keep your mind and body busy.

If you can't go to sleep, try to perform simple or light chores or activities until you feel sleepy. Once you feel tired and sleepy, that is the best time then to go back to bed and sleep.

2. Try to listen to soft music or melody while lying on the bed.

Most people find soft music very relaxing, especially during the time you are about to hit the sheets. Hence, ready your favorite soft tunes before you go to bed, as this can help you find sleep easily.

3. Try to do relaxation techniques.

If you feel agitated or stressed, better practice some relaxation techniques such as gentle stretching and yoga.

4. Try to take a hot bath before going to bed.

Sometimes, difficulty in sleeping only takes having a hot and relaxing bath before hitting the sheets. Put some aromatherapy bubble bath liquid in the hot water, dive in, and enjoy!

5. Try to keep your room lights dim as you sleep.

Some people claim that it is hard to fall asleep in a well-lighted room or place. That is why it is best to keep your room lights dim, for bright lights can make you less sleepy and alert.

6. Try a herbal sleeping aid instead of prescription medications.

Instead of taking prescription drugs as sleeping aids, better take herbal alternatives instead. Some herbal sleeping remedies are proven to induce relaxation and sleep. These herbal sleeping remedies include chamomile, lavender, lime flower, catnip, as well as valerian.

7. Try to take in light snacks if you find it hard to sleep.

If sleep won't come, chow on foods that are high in trytophan amino acid, a perfect sleep inducer. These foods are tuna, turkey, bananas, and figs.

8. Try to make use of essential oils.

To help you relax, essential oils can definitely do the trick. Put them on your hot bath or slather them on your pillows and bed.

9. Try to drink milk before going to sleep.

For a faster trip to dreamland, try to drink one glass of milk before you go to bed. This is not just a healthy daily ritual to practice, but this also helps you sleep faster.

10. Try to establish a regular sleeping routine.

To effectively manage your sleeping problem, try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time everyday. A regular sleeping routine can surely help you not to experience difficulties in sleeping.


Sleeping aids

Resource Box:

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Wonders of Using Avocado Oil in Natural Advantage Skin Care

With an astounding 731 calories and 30 grams of fat per piece, it comes as no surprise that the avocado fruit has been tagged as a “No-No” for those among us aspiring to lose weight. However, despite its heftiness in the calorie scale, nutritionists still advise us to include moderate portions of it in our daily diet, for the nutritional benefits we can obtain from it still outranks its heavy calorie and fat content.

The avocado oil in particular is very useful both as a food and as a natural advantage skin care emollient. On one hand, it is used as an ingredient for certain dishes. It can also be used for cooking in replacement or as a substitute for standard cooking oils. It is touted to be as good and flavorful as olive oil.

On the other hand, the avocado oil has been used since time immemorial as a lubricant. It is one of the most popular ingredients in beauty products. Its inherent rich moisturizing and regenerative components are perfectly beneficial to our skin and hair. Aside from this, its high content of important fatty acids make it ideal for not only preventing dry skin, but also for keeping it firm and supple. But there is more to the avocado oil when it comes to beauty benefits apart from these. To learn more about the wonderful benefits of the avocado oil in natural advantage skin care, read on.

* Avocado Oil has better skin penetrating properties than other natural oils. Thus, it is more suitable for use in making transdermal treatments. In addition, its capability to permeate even very deep target areas make it effective in transporting other additional supplements.

* Avocado oil can restructure connective tissue and retard or stop the growth of unwanted bacteria.

* It is also used for wounds because it can speed up the healing process. Moreover, it is used to keep post-operative dressing from sticking to wounds and burns.

* Famous for its anti-wrinkle properties, it raises the amount of soluble collagen in the dermis. It also benefits the skin by softening it and slowing down the aging process.

* Avocado oil is widely used for various hair products because it works well on damaged hair aside from acting as a natural stimulant for its good health and growth.

* The powerful UV-absorption components of avocado oil makes it an excellent supplement in reinforcing the effects of UV-A and UV-B absorbers. Using avocado oil as an ingredient for these products makes it more effective in the sense that it diminishes the sunscreen concentration, thus, decreasing the possibility of skin irritation for some people. Based on a comparative study of eight plant oils, the avocado oil proved to be the best sunscreen of them all.

* It is a high quality base oil that can be used for making massage oils and other skin and facial oils.

* Avocado oil has been proven safe and effective for use in making cosmetics because it does not generate problems related to the following: photo-toxicity, sensitization potential, comedogenicity, and formation of free radicals.

* Large amounts of avocado oil is not necessitated to produce optimum results as compared to other natural oils.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Methods of Treatment for Depression

In selecting the best antidepressant to address your symptoms, your doctor/psychiatrist takes into consideration several factors. Included therein are your family history and other health conditions you may possibly have. It may take several attempts before you would determine the one that works best for you, addressing your symptoms head on without inflicting very serious side effects.

On the whole, majority of antidepressants available in pharmacies are efficacious. However, some of them could increase your chances of suffering from intolerable side effects. Generally speaking, no antidepressant drug is without any side effects. Yet, the manner in which each one of them affects patients differs on a case to case basis. In most people's cases, however, the best treatment comes through a combination of taking the best medication and psychotherapy.

Certain cases of depression can be treated by your regular doctor. Nevertheless, in most cases, a certified psychiatrist is consulted for such illnesses related to emotional and psychological well-being. The variegated forms of treatment conventionally used for addressing depression are the following: prescribed drugs, psychotherapy, and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). As previously mentioned, the prescribed drugs used to alleviate this kind of condition are usually effective. Prior to prescribing them to patients, psychiatrists/doctors have a systematic way of assessing them. Here is how they do it:

* Initial Options

At the beginning of the treatment, most doctors/psychiatrists would prescribe an SSRI. An acronym and common term for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, SSRI is the typical first choice for two important reasons: It is effective and has bearable side effects as compared to other antidepressants. Fluoxetine, paroxetine, setraline, citalopram, and escitalopram are all classifed as SSRIs. Aside from SSRIs, the other typical first options would include any of the following other antidepressants: serotonin and noropinephrine reuptake inhibitors(SNRIs), noropinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors(NDRIs), tetracyclic antidepressants, and a combination of reuptake inhibitors and receptor blockers.

* Second Options

Although tricyclic antidepressants(TCAs) have been in existence prior to the introduction of SSRIs, the latter is considered as the most popular first choice. The main reason explaining this is the fact that the aforementioned possess a greater number of more intense side effects over that of SSRIs. Despite this, it does not discount the effectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants. For most cases, they are only prescribed if SSRIs fail to address the patient's symptoms.

* Last Options

When neither SSRIs nor TCAs would not work, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MNRIs) are prescribed by doctors/psychiatrists. Although MAOIs are efficacious on the whole, they possess more severe side effects in comparison to SSRIs and TCAs. At times, these side effects can even be injurious to the patient. Moreover, in using MAOIs, doctors/psychiatrists may advise skipping certain foods, for they may pose dangerous negative effects that can even be life-threatening.

* Other Methods

Certain instances may prompt your doctor/psychiatrist to use augmentation, a process of using two or more antidepressants and other medicines to obtain the maximum benefits. Included among these other choices are the following: mood stabilizing drugs, anti-anxiety drugs, and anti-psychotic drugs.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Honey Cures and Benefits

Probably, when man first started hunting for honey approximately 10,000 years ago, he was unaware that it had more uses beyond the realms of the kitchen. A thick golden liquid with a distinctively sweet taste and aroma, honey as we all know is a product derived from flower nectar. Its characteristically sweet taste, which is similar to that of granulated sugar, is obtained from the monosaccharides, fructose and glucose. It possesses distinctive chemical components which make it ideal for baking purposes. However, it wasn't until 2,700 years ago that the medicinal properties of honey were placed under the spotlight courtesy of the Egyptians.

At present, it is being used for a variety of medicinal purposes. It is also regarded as one of the natural materials used for safe pain relief. Apart from these, it has chemical properties that make it beneficial for health and beauty purposes. Let us get to know more about the different ways in which honey can be used. Here they are.

  • Honey is used as treatment for some digestive disorders. It is known to be easily processed and imbibed into the stomach. It benefits our intestines by making it more active. Also, it does not irritate the digestive channel walls, which makes it ideal for patients with digestive problems. In line with this, it is known to boost metabolism and aids in comfortable bowel movement.
  • Honey can be effectively used to prevent ulcer formations in the stomach because it has the capacity to block the intensity of raised acidity in the digestive system.
  • It is also used as an effective treatment for poisoning.
  • Honey is particularly helpful in obliterating pain. It possesses helpful antifungal and antibacterial components for healing tissues associated with all kinds of injuries.
  • It is also known for its beneficial uses in curing and preventing various skin ailments and infections.
  • For our skin, it works as an excellent moisturizer. It contains both rejuvenating and moisturizing properties. It is particularly effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • In the case of skin burns, honey does not only cool the affected area, but it also relieves pain. It can heal the burn without scarring.
  • For sleep disorders, honey aids in promoting a peaceful sleep. In line with this, it is also known to help us fall asleep more quickly.
  • The calcium and phosphorus content of honey makes it ideal for promoting the healthy growth of our bones and teeth. It can be helpful in preventing children from contracting rickets.
  • Aside from those mentioned previously, honey works well in healing infections caused by athritits and rheumatism.
  • The antibiotic properties of honey aids in soothing throat and tonsil infection. It also alleviates coughing.
  • Science has proven the effectiveness of honey in weight reduction. It stimulates the production of hormones that are known to fight obesity.
  • Mixed with milk, honey can raise a man's sperm production.
  • For nursing mothers, honey can be taken to replace the vitamins and minerals she has lost while breast feeding.
  • As a pain reliever, honey can help diminish menstrual pain. It is also touted as an effective means for healing breast cancer.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Facing Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

Loosely defined, birth control pills are female hormones in capsule or tablet form. The hormones in birth control pills or BCP control the functions of the ovaries and in general, the whole female reproductive system. They can alter and cause changes in a woman's regular hormonal cycle which will in turn prevent a pregnancy from occurring.

By releasing additional female hormones in the body, birth control pills or oral contraceptives, as they are commonly called, prevent ovulation. The process of ovulation pertains to the development of a young egg cell or ovum into maturity which makes it ready for fertilization. Aside from preventing ovulation, birth control pills can also cause the thickening of cervical mucus which will make it difficult for sperm to pass through. Another function of the pill is to thin out the uterine lining which will make it next to impossible for the mature ovum to attach itself and be fertilized. Its benefits notwithstanding, birth control pills or BCPs also cause some side effects:

Light bleeding in-between periods
Some women may experience bleeding in-between periods when they first start using oral contraceptives. While uncomfortable, this side effect is only a sign that the body is adjusting to the introduction of additional hormones. This side effect may last for up to three months but will eventually pass. Using low-absorbency tampons, sanitary pads, and pantyliners can make in-between period bleeding more manageable. It is also generally advised that women who experience this side effect should take iron supplements to combat anemia.

Missed periods
Alternatively, the body may skip periods in the course of adjusting to oral contraceptive use. While this is relatively better than bleeding, skipped periods can leave a woman feeling bloated. Decreasing sodium intake can minimize water retention and the bloated sensation. However, if pill use is inconsistent or there are times of missed pill intakes, medical attention should be sought especially if a woman engaged in unprotected sex for possible pregnancy.

Nausea or dizziness
Due to increased hormones in the body, a woman may feel dizzy and nauseous when taking oral contraceptives. The best way to manage this is to chart when the dizzy spells come or what triggers the nausea. For example, if dizzy spells are experienced an hour or two after taking the pill, a woman should consider changing the schedule of her pill intake to a comfortable time like before bedtime. Carrying smelling salts or soothing aromatherapy oils can make passing dizzy spells easier.

Weight change
Although some women lose weight when taking oral contraceptives, a larger number reports experiencing weight gain when taking birth control pills. While studies show that there is no causal relationship between weight gain and oral contraception, they indicate that a large percentage of the reported increase in weight of pill users are based on how women react to the mood swings and other side effects of pill use. Women can manage their weight when taking oral contraceptives by exercising portion control, staying active, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Resource Box:
Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hypnotize Those Fats Away

Food is not only intended to provide our body with physical sustenance. A necessity to fuel our biological system, without food, none of us would be capable of performing our usual functions at work, school, home, and even in our private affairs. However, to some of us, they mean so much more than just something we need to stay alive.

If you find yourself frequently munching on the largest pack of potato chips every time you feel the urge, to the point that you no could no longer fit into your favorite pair of jeans, then you know very well what is being addressed here. You understand that there are some people like you who see food as so much more than just sustenance.

Put it this way, you are among the growing population of people who have come to rely on food to compensate for whatever lack you may have in your life. As distressing as this may sound, you have to accept that this is the global truth we are stressing here: There are many emotional eaters in the world who use food to make up for the emotional distress they experience. On top of this, majority of them are not even aware of it, not even when they realize they have ballooned to such enormous proportions that they could not fit through the front door any more.

Luckily, there are so many ways for people like you to come to terms with this reality, and help you banish those excessive fats from your body for good. One such method is hypnosis.

The common practice of using hypnosis to stop smoking has extended beyond to other problems including weight-related ones like yours. Emotional eating is linked to how your brain addresses the negative emotions brought on by the stressful events you have encountered. Using hypnosis can work in going straight to the heart of your problem. If you are interested in trying out this method, here are the steps.

*Let yourself relax. Then close your eyes and allow yourself to explore this state of relaxation further.

*Using imagery, identify the many different reasons that prompt you to eat. Triggers can be anything from the time of day, down to the mere act of thinking about the food item itself. For emotional eaters, it could be an exact emotion or anything that would remind them of a specific trauma.

*Find out if you are feeling hungry as of this moment. Then ask yourself what might feel good in your stomach at this time. Use your imagination to visualize your choice of food.

*Picture yourself consuming this particular food. Then try to see how it would feel in your stomach afterwards.

*Now, picture yourself eating nothing at this point. Compare the feelings you get from these two visualizations. It is only when it feels better would you entertain the possibility of keeping the food for eating purposes.

*Try out as many different kinds of food as you like. Do this until you have decided on which kind of food would provide you with comfort over time. In this case, bear in mind that fattening foods tend to make you feel bad after some time. They also make you feel lethargic and heavy.

*After you have done this exercise, eat the food, which you have identified as the one that would make your stomach feel best over time.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Ease Tension Headache

With all the pressure brought on by the hustle and bustle of daily life, who would not be tense? In everything we do, we face challenges and have no other recourse but to take necessary risks in order to thrive in an ever-competitive environment. Our own frustrations could raise the tension level a notch if we let it get to us. The same thing goes for our interpersonal relationships. Friction caused by misunderstandings or hefty demands are also contributory factors, leading to that perennially increasing ball of solid pressure bearing down on our heads. These are just some of the many reasons why we often get tension headaches these days.

Nevertheless, tension headaches, like pollution, is just another aspect of reality that we all have to contend with. However, uncomfortable as they can get, we do have several choices when it comes to dealing with tension headaches. There are several measure we can take that may provide fast pain relief for that all too common tight feeling we get around our heads when we feel overwhelmed by tension. Some of them may not prove to be as quick, but they may still work. Let us give them a try next time we feel the beginnings of a tension headache striking us again.


Take a pain reliever immediately. All of us are most likely to reach into our medicine cabinets at the first sign of a headache, and we have a very good reason to do so: pain relievers work. Their components alleviate our condition by easing the swelling of our blood vessels, which helps our blood flow more easily.

Lie down and relax. Choose a dark quiet place free from obstructions and interruptions of all sorts. Make sure that it has a comfortable couch or bed for us to lie on. Close our eyes for a few minutes, and free our thoughts of anything and everything preoccupying it at the moment.

Slowly imbibe a very cold drink. Do not drink it all at once. Let us take our time and make sure that it is really cold. Put lots of ice cubes. Take sips of this freezing water as we are lying down. We can also try putting some of the ice in an ice pack, and then place it on our head. This would help cool us down.

Inhale deeply and then exhale. Do not rush. Feel the air fill our diaphragm. As we do this, our tummy should expand. When we exhale, our tummy should contract. As we exhale, let the air out through our lips. Imagine that we are releasing the tension.

Let us try doing a muscle relaxation exercise.

Determine every possible reason we may have for feeling so tense. Do not hold back. Let it all out. It would be better if we write down all these reasons. This practice symbolizes our attempt to free ourselves from these causes of tension. Writing them down helps ease the pressure off our chest, as well as our head.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Treating Female Sexual Dysfunction

Millions of women from around the world suffer from Female Sexual Dysfunction or frigidity. This condition lessens or completely dissolves a woman's sexual appetite or libido. There are a number of factors that can trigger female sexual dysfunction. Among these are physiological conditions, side effects of medicinal products, as well as emotional or psychological issues.
Despite the fact that female sexual dysfunction is a very common sexual health condition that can trigger in sexually active women anytime, there is a treatment available for this condition. This is none other than to go to a licensed therapist who specializes in sexual health complications.
Now, if you are one of the many women who are suffering from female sexual dysfunction, the best thing to do is to consult a doctor regarding your condition. Read on below for the course of treatment commonly conducted by a doctor for the female sexual dysfunction condition.

A competent sexual health doctor will:

* Diagnose and treat causes of sexual dysfunction.

The sexual health therapist will conduct a thorough physical examination in order to determine if you manifest any common physiological contributor to sexual dysfunction such as infection, renal failure, cardiovascular and vascular disease, hypertension, nerve or spinal trauma, genital and pelvic conditions, as well as neurological complications. During the consultation, the doctor will check for vaginal dryness, infections, or painful areas in the genitalia.

* Make use of counseling as treatment.

Sexual health doctors can make use of counseling to treat psychological and emotional issues that trigger female sexual dysfunction. Emotional and psychological issues may include anxiety, fear, depression, and difficulty interacting with the opposite sex.

* Show what a healthy sexual function and libido is as well as the association of good physical health to a healthy sexual life.

As part of the treatment, sexual health doctors will educate you on what a healthy sexual function is. The doctor will also explain the relationship of a healthy physical condition to a good sexual function. It is also possible that the doctor will give suggestions on how you can better your sexual performance with your partner. Most of the time, sexual health doctors refer their patients to a sex therapist for further treatment.

* Check if harmful factors like alcohol and nicotine trigger the condition.

Sexual health doctors will also check if nicotine or alcohol has something to do with your condition. If ever your condition is linked to the intake of either of the two substances, the doctor will most probably help you in reducing or eliminating your use or intake of these substances, which can trigger the said sexual health condition.

* Determine if current prescription medication used adversely affect sexual health condition.

It is very important for your doctor to know what medications you are currently taking, as these may have adverse effects to your overall sexual health. If ever you are currently taking medicines that can somehow affect your sexual functioning, the doctor will either request you to stop or reduce taking them. On your part, it is best to be honest to your doctor regarding your other health conditions to avoid having further complications.

Resource Box:
Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.